EUC Security: Much More Than VDI

On the 5/30 Virtualization Security Podcast, Shaun Donaldson, Director of Alliances at Bitdefender Enterprise, joined us to discuss end user computing (EUC) security and how their new Gravity Zone product ties their enterprise products together under one scalable management umbrella. This was a very interesting conversation on the subject of EUC security, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) security, and the all aspects of the the EUC stack. There are quite a few moving pieces in the EUC stack that is greater than your mobile device and the system it is accessing. There is a complete networking and political stack between the two and perhaps many systems you have to jump through to access your data.

Public Cloud Use Cases

There are different public cloud use cases. Here at The Virtualization Practice we moved our datacenter from the north to the south part of the country and utilized the cloud to host the workloads during the transition. Edward Haletky, yesterday posted about Evaluating the Cloud: Keeping your Cloud Presence and presented the question and his thoughts of is it worth staying in the cloud or bringing the data home.

Evaluating the Cloud: Keeping your Cloud Presence

As you know we have a cloud presence; we have had one for several months. Now we are evaluating the cloud to determine whether to maintain that cloud presence or move back to our local data center. We also documented some early teething problems within this cloud presence. What should be our evaluation the cloud criteria? Now that our data center is moved and fully functional, should we keep our cloud presence?

My Thoughts on the VMware vCloud Hybrid Service

My thoughts on the VMware vCloud Hybrid Service: There was an announcement made last week about the new VMware vCloud Hybrid Service which will bring VMware Public Cloud Service to the masses later this year. There are a couple of posts from our own Virtualization Practice analysts which can be found here and here. Since there has been plenty of conversation about just what the vCloud Hybrid Service is, I am going to use this post to share my thoughts on the service itself.

VMware vCloud Hybrid Service

On Tuesday VMware announced their answer to the public cloud: the vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS). One of the biggest hurdles for the roughly 500,000 VMware customers has been that their on-premise, private infrastructure isn’t directly interoperable with any sizable public clouds, like Amazon AWS or RackSpace. If you want to move towards a public or hybrid cloud model you need to add additional software, like Enstratius’ offerings or VMware’s own vCloud Automation Center.