Caching throughout the Stack

One sure way to improve performance is to cache the non-dynamic data of any application. We did this to improve the overall performance of The Virtualization Practice website. However, there are many places within the stack to improve overall performance by caching, and this got me to thinking of all the different types. At the last Austin VMUG, there were at least three vendors selling caching solutions that were designed to improve overall performance by as little as 2x to upwards of 50x improvements. That is quite a lot of improvement in application performance. Where do all these caching products fit into the stack?

Security is not compliance and compliance will not get you security. Or does it?

Security is not compliance and compliance will not get you security. At least that is what I hear from security teams. Conversations with security focal team members from non-security focal people can be quite interesting and has its unique challenges and hurtles to overcome. You can find yourself speaking the same language but not fully understanding each other very well at all. One topic point of discussion is that “security is not compliance and compliance will not get you security.” Or does it?

Training and More Training for EUC Security

End User Computing security seems to be in the hands of the users not actually the IT Security department. At least not yet. So what can we do about this? IT security can be draconian and not allow EUC devices into the office, but the users will be up in arms. They use their smart …

The Growing Divide between Security and Virtualization (Cloud)

I asked @MrsYisWhy to join the podcast as she is from the other side of the world from virtualization and cloud security folks and has quite a different view. The rent we saw being sewn up is now a vast divide as we jump feet first into Cloud deployments, virtualization business critical workloads, and generally using more and more virtualization and cloud in our daily lives.