Public Cloud Reality: Reinforced at CSA Summit

I have written about the Public Cloud Reality and the need to bring your own security, monitoring, support. This was reinforced by Dave Asprey of Trend Micro at the last Cloud Security Alliance Summit held at this years RSA Conference. The gist of Dave Asprey’s talk was that YOU are responsible for the security of your data, not the cloud service provider.

RSA Conference: What was Interesting

As I met with people at RSA Conference last week, the common question was: What was interesting and new? My view was from the world of virtualization and cloud security, which often differs from general or mobile security. This show was more about general and mobile security than it was about virtualization and cloud security due to the confluence of VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) and RSA Conference. There were quite a few things that were new from the show floor, RSA Innovation Sandbox, and other conversations.

Does Your Hardware Keep Up With Technology?

Does your hardware keep up with technology? Technology advancements have been and are moving at an incredible pace with new and exciting features getting added with each new release or update of a product. Unfortunately, technology can outpace are physical hardware which can leave us in a true troubleshooting nightmare. There is one specific example that I have seen a few times and is worth sharing.

News: Sky High Networks provides Cloud Service Security Ratings

There has been a dearth of intelligence reporting on cloud services and up until now we had to rely upon the Verizon Breach Report, Alert Logic’s State of the Cloud report, the Enisa and other reports, but even so there was nothing specifically about a given cloud service outside the lightly used Cloud Security Alliances STAR self-certification. Instead you must imply something about a given service. This has changed. Meeting this need is Sky High Networks.

Atlantis ILIO Persistent VDI 4.0 – VDI Game Changer?

And now to their portfolio, Atlantis Computing add ILIO Persistent VDI 4.0. Some early stability issues aside, Atlantis have developed a strong and supportive market and expanded on it. What is in this release? If 2013 is to be the year of VDI – how does Atlantis ILIO Persistent VDI 4.0 help? Importantly, will Atlantis Computing’s ILIO Persistent VDI change the game?