Microsoft and VMware: Two Different Paths to the Future

Now that VMword 2012 San Francisco is over and I have some time to reflect on my virtualization thoughts in general before getting ready for VMworld Barcelona. One thing I took noticed with the recent announcements about vSphere 5.1 and Hyper-V 2012. Microsoft and VMware both released a specific new feature to each platform respectfully at basically the same time. Is this a sign that Microsoft is really closing the gap on VMware? I think we are getting there but I have also made some other personal observations on how I think both see virtualization in the future and I foresee a completely different method and mindset for the future between these two companies.

Appliance Makers Simplify VDI Adoption

The growing availability of prepackaged appliances is making VDI increasingly attractive for customers who value the benefits of VDI. It is not only customers that benefit from this increased simplicity, smaller system integrators lack the appropriate skills to size and sell complex in VDI infrastructure environments can take advantage of these appliance-based solutions to compete with larger system integrators that have led the way in VDI implementation services.

VMware Poised to Accelerate OpenStack Adoption

Last week’s inaugural board meeting of the new OpenStack Foundation signaled a change in the organization as Rackspace the driving force behind OpenStack handed control to the newly formed board. Allen Clark director of SUSE was appointed chairman, with Lew Tucker Cisco’s VP and CTO of cloud joining the board as Vice Chairman. Members of the OpenStack community who had voiced concerns that OpenStack’s founder Rackspace’s had too much control over the project should be please by these appointments which are seen as key to establishing OpenStack’s bona fides.