VMworld 2012: vCloud Networking and Security Enhancements

There are several improvements in virtual networking and security within the latest vSphere and vCloud products. vCloud Networking and Security lowers of the overall cost to implement endpoint security within a vSphere environment. VMware has accomplished this by including vShield Endpoint into vSphere. There by lowering the cost to offloaded antivirus and malware to just the product chosen to implement antivirus and antimalware.

OnLive – bad management, or an example of DaaS immaturity?

Could OnLive have succeeded? Were they doomed to failure to failure before the off? What are the key questions you should be looking to have answered from your DaaS service provider? It is said that OnLive give an example how-not-to-do DaaS. DaaS is viewed as an upcoming market – is there a wider lesson to be learned from OnLive’s failure?

Why You Should Invest in ASaaS, not PaaS

In addition to PaaS there is a class of vendors who provide external services to PaaS through “marketplaces” that the vendor sets up. We refer to these generically as Application Services as a Service (ASaaS). The stakes are potentially huge – the PaaS takes over from the Operating System as the dominant factor in the purchasing decision for server-side technology. We’re not saying it definitely will happen, but it might.

Defense in Depth: Intelligence Gathering

Intelligence gathering is an oft overlooked aspect of system and data defense in depth. On the 7/12 Virtualization Security podcast we discussed new and old sources of such intelligence. We were joined by Urvish Vashi, VP of marketing, Alert Logic. Alert Logic has updated their report on cloud based security attacks. Add to this the yearly Verizon Breach and other reports, and we start to have a good handle on intelligence of past and possibly future attacks.