Virtualization & Cloud Security: More Process Than Tools?

I was discussing yesterday how to use virtualization and cloud performance management tools as an early warning system for security issues. I have touched on use of New Relic, VMware vFabric APM, Quest vFoglight, and other tools that can make up such a early warning system before, but without the proper process in place, the tools will not be good enough.

News: Virsto introduces new virtual storage options for VMware and Hyper-V

The virtual storage market is hotting up with Virsto Stoftware’s announcement of two new products for release Tuesday, January 17th. Following on from its June 2011 acquisition of EvoStor and building on its existing Virsto for VDI platform, Silicon Valley-based Virsto Software has made good on its investment by announcing the release of Virsto for vSphere.

Cloud: More Secure Than You Think?

At the end of last year and the beginning of this year the Virtualization Security Podcast featured two very different guest panelists to discuss cloud security, policy, and compliance: Phil Cox, Director of Security and Compliance at RightScale, joined us for the last podcast in 2011 and the George Gerchow of VMware’s Policy and Compliance Group, joined us for the first podcast of 2012. We asked is the public cloud ready for mission critical applications. The answer was surprising. Have a listen and let us know your thoughts.

Will Client Hypervisors Drive the Next Generation Desktop?

Whatever your enterprise desktop issue – VDI is often hailed as the answer. But a remote desktop is not always available anytime, anyplace, anywhere. More importantly, a VDI infrastructure is complex and expensive to deliver. Virtualisation will certainly play a major part in the next generation desktop: but does that next generation desktop have to be hosted and run in a datacentre? A client hypervisor can solve the issues that are inherent for many applications and use cases when you take the compute power away from the end-device and try and put it back in the data centre?