Docker Has Been in an Acquisitive Mood Again, This Time Pulling in Infinit

Docker, the leading vendor in the container industry, has been dipping into its pockets again, this time to acquire French file sync company Infinit. Yep, Docker, the company whose core product is a container management and deployment technology, is acquiring a consumer file sync company. At first glance, this is an odd acquisition. Infinit is …

Comparison: IT as a Service Event Management

Part of any IT management platform is the handling of events, whether that is aggregating external events, creating its own events, or passing those events on to others. There seems to be a common set of criteria for those events. So, let us look into these common criteria for handling events and compare some of the vendors …

Amazon Web Services Buries Another Rival in the Cloud Wars

The implacable march of Amazon Web Services toward ultimate public cloud domination has been relentless, from its inception in 2006 with a single service (S3 Storage) to the behemoth it has become today. It seems this minnow has become the biggest fish in the pond. But is it unstoppable? Has it won the public cloud wars?

2016–2017 Hypervisor Cost Comparison

Although it is becoming less interesting over time, the hypervisor is still the cornerstone of the modern data center. As we enter the age of the hybrid cloud, that data center is stretching into the cloud. With the rise of containers, we are seeing clouds move to bare metal once more. While this works for …

HP and the Journey to the Multiverse

In the beginning, there was Hewlett and there was Packard, and they formed a company called Hewlett-Packard (HP) and the rest, as they say, is history. Yes Hewlett-Packard picked up some companies along the way: DEC, Compaq, Autonomy, and EDS, to name a few. HP had its fingers in many pies, acquiring numerous technology companies …