Comparison – Hybrid Cloud Data Protection – Mechanisms

This is the first of many comparisons and commentaries on data protection within the hybrid cloud. We are looking at the mechanisms used to achieve data protection. Mechanisms—how boring—yet from an architectural and data management view, mechanisms become increasingly important. The mechanisms available can impact the costs of your data protection. One example: it is often …

But What about Google?

But what about Google?  There has been a lot of buzz this year about Amazon, Microsoft, Citrix, IBM and VMware, but what about Google? In my humble opinion, in all practical purposes, Google just seemed to me, to be lacking a clear direction and/or focus when it came to the way Google pursued its business customers.   Google has no problems taking care of any and all technical aspects of the business, but was missing one of the most important pieces and that piece is a strong vibrant sales force.

Technical Certifications: Why and How?

A plethora of certification options are available from Microsoft, Cisco, Citrix, VMware, and other technology companies. Why do people seek technical certifications, and what process does a technology vendor follow in the development of an exam? Most technology vendors publish charts and graphs that show you will earn a higher salary if you have some of …

Hyperconverged Design: Limit CPU Consumption by Limiting Storage Performance

I am intrigued by the design decisions that are made as products are developed. I find it amazing how often problems are solved in completely different ways in different products. Sometimes these decisions show up when you are not expecting them. I encountered one such example at a vBrownBag TechTalk presentation at the OpenStack Summit in …