Have You Heard about Unikernels?

Have you heard about Uninkernels? Uninkernels or Cloud Operating Systems as it has also been called is a specialized lightweight operating system which is intended to be used within a virtual machine. These Unikernels have the potential to become the core of a new form of cloud computing where a single hypervisor instance can support hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines. Uninkernels can accomplish this potential by rethinking how we populate the cloud infrastructure by utilizing specialized, single-address-space virtual machine images constructed by using a virtual library operating system.

Abstraction Is the Future

The IT industry is abstracting everything it can, from hardware, to networking, to storage and more. “Abstract and build an API, and the world becomes better” seems to be the motto. Abstraction has become the goal of many subsystems. Many people seem to believe that if you move everything to software, everything will be better—and that if you use …

Make vSphere Free. Can VMware Sell Only Support?

Last month, I suggested that VMware could help itself and its customers by opening up. How about if it transformed completely? Could VMware survive if vSphere were free and it only charged for support? What if VMware embraced the idea that hypervisors are a commodity and focused on revenue from management and automation products? What if vSphere didn’t …