IT Transformation: No Changes to Management

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down and migration approaches to IT transformation. Now, it is time to discuss a method of IT transformation I call “no changes to management.” With this method, IT transformation happens by natural, existing means within the data center, by adding …

VMware Solves Delegate User Problem

I have spoken and written quite a bit on the delegate user problem facing cloud and virtual environments. It is a growing problem, as we delegate actions from logged-in users to service accounts to implement changes on our systems. Any system, for example, that proxies administrative requests suffers from the delegate user problem. In essence, …

Skynet or Eagle Eye: You Decide

Skynet or Eagle Eye, you decide. There is a little military exercise going on in the U.S. called Jade Helm that you might have heard about. What makes this interesting for me is the computer systems that are involved with this military exercise. All militaries enjoy using acronyms for just about everything and J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M would be another example of that, as well. Jade actually stands for Joint Assistant for Development and Execution and from what I can tell this is a cloud system that is controlled by an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) system and sponsored by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

IT Transformation: Migration

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down approach to IT transformation. In this article, we discuss migration as a means to IT transformation. Migration as a means to IT transformation hooks into an organization’s disaster recovery procedures, using these existing mechanisms to migrate workloads from on-premises …