Citrix XenServer Creedence Tech Preview

Citrix has announced the availability of the “Creedence” tech preview of the next version of XenServer, building on the open-source Xen Project’s Creedence alpha.4 release. The biggest change in Creedence is the move to an all 64-bit implementation. While the Xen hypervisor has always been 64-bit and can run both 32 and 64-bit guest operating systems, …

When SaaS Goes Awry

Recently, I have had a spate of calendar issues from various sources and of various types. Some calendar entries are given the wrong time zone, others show up on one device but not another, and some have no email capability embedded. All of these issues occur when various calendar services are used by those sending …

Docker: What Is It? Hint: It’s Not a Harbour Worker

There is a lot of buzz about a “new” technology called Docker. I say “new” in quotes, because most of us greybeards should remember a technology called “containers,” circa 2004, and the arguments about which was better: virtualization or containers. Well, it seems that the wheel has turned full circle, and we are back in …