Creating a Din in the Cloud Market

Recently I spoke with Mike Chase of dinCloud regarding its desktop virtualization offering. I hadn’t actually come across dinCloud before, as it is a fairly youthful company. However, its VDI offering—which it refers to as HVD (hosted virtual desktop), making an important distinction, because the solution can be on-premises, off-premises, or hybrid—is effectively a separate, …

Privileged Accounts within SDDC

As your software-defined data center (SDDC) grows, so does the quantity of privileged accounts. This was the discussion on the Virtualization Security Podcast of February 13, 2014, where we were joined by Thycotic Software. Privileged accounts are used by administrators and others to fix issues, set up new users, add new workloads, move workloads around …

Who Runs What Hypervisor?

Have you taken any time to so who run what hypervisor? Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of articles and post about Open Stack recently that it would almost seem like everything is running on Open Stack? Seems to be that there seems to be a push to help keep Open Stack on the path to becoming more mainstream and the new partnership with Red Hat building might be just the ticket. For now, Open Stack is still going through its adolescence but has great potential to go out and really make a difference in this world. Until then, have you ever stopped to consider and look at what underlying hypervisor is supporting the clouds we all know and love?

What Will the Fallout Be as IBM Leaves the x86 Market?

With the sale of its x86 server division for $2.3B, IBM exits the marketplace it started in the early 1980s. Some have argued that this is a good move for IBM and tolls the death knell for the x86 server marketplace. “Well, if IBM is closing shop, surely the end is nigh. What with all …

Are US Tech Companies Suffering a Slow and Agonizing Death?

Are United States technology companies now suffering from a slow and antagonizing death from what is being called “The Snowden Effect”? The disclosures by the infamous or notorious former National Security Agency that gave a glimpse into the extent of the NSA worldwide spying effort that have prompted companies to avoid and or leave US technology firms in droves.

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again in the Cloud

There is an old saying, “the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result.” The way many enterprises are approaching the cloud, insanity would be a great way of classifying it. When we look across most enterprises, we see a collection of technologies from every era …