The Future Perfect … Data Center

We are happy to share that we were featured yesterday on BrightTALK. We discussed data centers and what the future holds. What does the future data center look like? Is it racks and racks of computers? Is it heavily automated? Is it just a shim to the larger world of the cloud? Listen in on this dynamic …

That Was the Year That Was: 2016

After the end of a year, we often pause and reflect to celebrate our successes and to try and gain closure for our failures and tragedies. For many, 2016 has been a horrible year. I am not going to talk about politics, as that is far too contentious, but the world seems a little darker today than …

Hybrid IaaS is about Transformation

On January 5, 2016, I was joined by Mike Foley, senior technical marketing architect for VMware vSphere Security, and Kapil Raina, HyTrust VP of product marketing, on the Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcast to discuss moving to a hybrid cloud IaaS model. As always, we strive to provide actionable advice. The key question we tried …

VM Escape Is NOT Your Main Worry

Too many times, virtualization and cloud security folks hear that VM Escape is the main worry of security teams. This is far harder to do than most people realize, and requires the attacker to bust through multiple layers of defense in depth! If security teams are worried about VM Escape, then they really do not …

Security: What to Do Before and After

Recently, we recorded two virtualization and cloud security podcasts. These podcasts covered what to do after Black Friday and, more recently, what to do before the holiday break. What do you do before and after events? While targeted to specific events, the actionable advice is valid for all events that impact your business. Above all, …