Failure of Imagination

After the Apollo 1 disaster, astronaut Frank Borman told Congress that the tragedy had not been caused by any one company or organization, but by the entirety of all those involved with the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions. The problem had been a failure of imagination. They knew that at some point there would be a fire in a space …

Security in 2016: About the Person

In the new year, security is going to move from the organization itself to protecting the individuals who make up the organization. Or more to the point, educating the individual as consumers about operational security with an eye toward family, finances, and self. Without this focus, breaches will continue and become worse before they become …

Security for Consumers: Protecting the Family

It is that time of year again, when we look to buying gifts online and offline for family, friends, and associates. When holiday cheer imbues us with brotherly love—well, at least most folks feel that way. There is, however, a group of folks waiting for mistakes to be made so they can capitalize on them. …

It’s All about Microsegmentation

For the last eighteen months, VMware has been pushing NSX as the third pillar of its software-defined data center (SDDC). NSX has three big selling points that VMware promotes: taking control of the network, automation and orchestration, and microsegmentation. The first two are standard SDDC fare: first, pull the function into software, abstract where necessary, and orchestrate to bring …

Dell + EMC = Less Security?

Dell has announced it will spin off its SecureWorks product portfolio. SecureWorks is very late to the cloud and virtualization security market, and it may never get there. EMC RSA ignored the cloud and virtualization security market and now is struggling to find a footing in the larger IoT market. VCE has no security reference …