Moving to Containers

In this ever-changing world of IT, the legacy of today was once the future of yesterday: namely, hypervisors. Hypervisors are now considered legacy, even though they are seriously underutilized due to issues with fear, uncertainty, and doubt around using these resources to their fullest. The new technology is containers. However, where are the operational tools to …

Do Containers Change Enterprise IT?

It matters not what conference you attend: the discussion in IT is all about containers and automation. The real question is, “Do containers change enterprise IT?” Some folks say they do in major ways, others are on the fence, and still others are having nothing to do with them. Let us look at all aspects …

VMworld US 2015: Day 5 Recap

Welcome to The Virtualization Practice’s week-long coverage of VMworld US 2015. This is the final installment; see Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3, and Day 4 for additional coverage. VMworld US 2015 wrapped up yesterday with an abbreviated day of hands-on labs and breakout sessions, many of which were repeats of popular sessions from …

VMworld US 2015: Day 3 Recap

Welcome to The Virtualization Practice’s week-long coverage of VMworld US 2015. Tune in all week for our daily recap of the major announcements and highlights from the world’s premier virtualization and cloud conference. VMworld US 2015 continued yesterday, kicked off by the general session. End-User Computing’s Sanjay Poonen led the keynote, in which VMware fleshed …

Should We Care If the Handheld Is Secure?

Android devices recently suffered a spate of attacks. Similar attacks have been made against Apple devices and nearly every other brand of smart device. Does this mean that this is the end of Android or of mobile devices? Or does this mark the rise of mobile device management (MDM) and other software specifically designed to …