Security: Continuous Delivery Requires New Approaches

As companies embrace the DevOps movement, they rely heavily on automation to improve the time to market for new features and services. DevOps is a long, never-ending journey with a goal of continuously improving the software delivery process, resulting in better products and services and, ultimately, happier customers. At the beginning of their DevOps journies, …

VMware Solves Delegate User Problem

I have spoken and written quite a bit on the delegate user problem facing cloud and virtual environments. It is a growing problem, as we delegate actions from logged-in users to service accounts to implement changes on our systems. Any system, for example, that proxies administrative requests suffers from the delegate user problem. In essence, …

IT Transformation: Architecture Includes Security

I recently had a number of consulting conversations about IT transformation and adding new Security as a Service products to companies’ existing clouds and tenancies. This is the beginning of IT transformation in many cases. A company has realized it needs to provide security to its tenants while using clouds more securely at the same …

Ready or Not, Hybrid Cloud Is Here

Everyone uses the cloud. It is a plain, simple fact that everyone uses at least one consumer cloud and that those consumer clouds (iCloud, Google, Dropbox, etc.) translate into cloud usage within the workplace. The workforce likes to get its job done, and part of doing that is using the tools they know, regardless of …