Fewer Than 90 Days to Security Vulnerability

What is the significance of July 14, 2015? It is the end of extended support date for Windows Server 2003. This date is approaching faster than many administrators care to acknowledge, and the reality is that Windows Server 2003 just won’t be a viable operating system for production environments after that date.

Virtualization & Cloud Security Ep 1

We are trying out a new format for the Virtualization & Cloud Security Podcast: video. We’ll post it up on YouTube as well as posting it via Talkshoe and iTunes. In this episode, Mike Foley (@mikefoley) of VMware Technical Marketing joins me to discuss IoT security, the RSA Conference, and hardening guides. We have spoken …

GPUs, Big Data, Security, and the IoT

At the GPU Technology Conference, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang and Tesla CEO Elon Musk talked about the security of a car. Musk stated that physical access is still required to hack most vehicles and that critical systems such as brakes and steering are segregated from the control display. This got me thinking about the security …

SDN: Sadly Defined Network

In virtual and cloud environments, network traffic often flows into a virtualization, then back out, forwarded to another device, usually security, before it re-enters the virtual environment. I call this a “sadly defined network,” not software-defined. Many of my colleagues claim that this is not true. They say that an SDN keeps east-west traffic within …

Hardware Is Dead, Long Live Hardware

There is a growing movement to abstract hardware completely away, as we have discussed previously. Docker with SocketPlane and other application virtualization technologies are abstracting hardware away from the developer. Or are they? The hardware is not an issue, that is, until it becomes one. Virtualization may require specific versions of hardware, but these are …

Are Enterprises Changing Directions?

No, this is not an article about changing jobs or anything like that. This is an article about the changing directions we have been seeing within the community and companies surrounding cloud and virtualization: a change that signals a new round of innovation and a fundamental shift in thinking. Before, we thought of cloud + …