Cloud Dependency: Ubiquitous Networking

Use of the cloud depends upon ubiquitous networking. And not just everywhere, but extremely high speed as well. This came to mind as I was sitting at the top of a mountain in a national park and heard someone ask Siri a question. Siri’s response was that the network was not in reach. This struck …

Cloud Security: Different Approaches and Points of View

There are two distinct points of view when discussing cloud security: the tenant’s point of view, and the cloud service provider’s point of view. Both of these points of view are legitimate, but often one is confused for the other, as we discuss our points of view without really clarifying. However, within each of these …

Supply Chain Security

The recent spate of news out of Home Depot and, further back, Target point to the need for better supply chain security. But really, how can we address the issue? There are several answers, but none of them seem feasible in today’s IT environments. Why? They all require open communication, constructive criticism, and willingness to …

EUC Use Cases: What Do We Need?

In my last article, EUC Use Cases: Secure Hybrid Cloud, we looked at how the user could be getting to our data. By doing this, we can place security at the union of data and the user, wherever the data resides and however the user gets there. Yet, we cannot forget where the data is …

EUC Use Cases: Secure Hybrid Cloud

Whenever I talk to security vendors and others about where security is going, or more to the point, should go, I draw out a use case I have developed over the years. It has grown and changed as the concept of the secure hybrid cloud has developed and expanded. The example I use demonstrates the …

One OpenStack to Rule Them All: Bare Metal to Clouds

At VMworld 2014, VMware announced its easy-to-install OpenStack distribution, VMware Integrated OpenStack. This got me thinking, as normally OpenStack refers not just to the OpenStack distribution but to a specific underlying hypervisor as well, usually KVM. However, we know that OpenStack works equally well on KVM, vSphere, Hyper-V, and Xen, as it is more of …