A Secure Cloud Framework for Non-Clouds

Is it possible to use a Cloud Framework to better secure your datacenter? Does cloud technologies provide a secure framework for building more than just clouds? We all know that virtualization is a building block to the cloud, but there may be a way to use cloud frameworks to first secure your datacenter before you launch a private, public, or hybrid cloud. In essence, we can use tools like vCloud Director to provide a more secure environment that properly segregates trustzones from one another while allowing specific accesses.

Data in the Cloud: Does Information want to be Free?

At a dinner party recently, I was asked “does information want to be free?” This question is based on information that exists within the cloud today or tomorrow: Data in the Cloud. It is an interesting question with a fairly ready answer. Information is Power, it is people not information that controls information. Granted we have a massive abundance of information within the cloud today, is it trying to be free, or are people trying to make it free to everyone? In addition, is all this information even true or accurate?

Windows 2012 Hyper-V – The Hypervisor for your Cloud? Part I

In this first installment looking at the features of Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 features compared to VMware vSphere 5.1 and XenServer 6.0 we consider how Hyper-V is priced, scalability and performance and storage.

Going to the Cloud: CAPEX, OPEX, Facilities, or People

On the 11/1 Virtualization Security podcast we had no special guest but continued a conversation started at Hacker Halted this year. It is the ongoing question of whether or not Going to the cloud will cause jobs to be lost. The typical answer was stated at Hacker Halted, that people will need to cross-train with new products, etc. and then they would keep their jobs, but someone stood up and shouted out that this was hogwash. It made a lively discussion from there. So we tackled it on the podcast as well. Will people loose jobs Going to the Cloud? If so how can this be prevented? What do you as IT professionals need to do, to plan your careers while going to the cloud?

Defense in Depth: Hardware Security

On the last Virtualization Security podcast our guest was Robert Rounsavall, CEO of Trapezoid. Trapezoid is looking into how to alleviate supply chain security issues. In essence the security of the hardware. At many a presentation I have asked “do you trust the hardware and many times the answer is that they do another time is they do not. This depends entirely on your thoughts with respect to hardware security. But what can you do about hardware security? What is the worst that can happen if the hardware is infiltrated?

Gaining Visibility into The Cloud: Migration and Security

On many a Virtualization Security Podcast I tend to mention that we need greater visibility into the cloud to judge whether Cloud Service Provider security measures are good enough. But why should we bother? I am not saying we should not be concerned about a cloud’s security but that we should as tenants be concerned with clouds meeting our security, compliance, and data protection policies and requirements. Will a cloud service provider ever be able to meet a specific organizations requirements as well as the cloud service providers policies and compliance?