Cry Me a River: Cloud-Native Security

WannaCry, SambaCry, and other attacks have pinpointed the need to not just protect from unwarranted access, but to define unwarranted better. It is not just about ports and firewalls, but also about applications, APIs, and processes. In other words, services. Many of these services need to communicate about the ports that need to be blocked …

Citrix Synergy 2017

Citrix Synergy 2017 kicked off on Tuesday morning with the main keynote from President and CEO Kirill Tatarinov. As expected, the main keynote was focused on high-level discussions about the future of virtualization. While the key focus of Citrix is clearly Cloud, he relayed a stronger understanding that on-premises deployments of Citrix technologies are alive and …

Anti-Ransomware: All About Architecture

As I read the “we solve ransomware” emails in my inbox and saw comments on Twitter and Slack, I started to think about how to solve ransomware once and for all. It sounds like a difficult task, but I think it is all about an architecture: an architecture that uses modern ideas. A solution needs to combine …

The Attack Seen Around the World

The attack seen around the world. In one of my more recent posts, I brought attention to the release, or better yet the data dump of exploits and hacking tools targeting Microsoft’s Windows OS, Linux, firewalls, and others. One of the main purposes of my post was to bring attention to the grave dangers that these exploits bring to the world and as such, I really hoped that there would be enough interest from individuals in the industry to get a copy of the exploits and contribute to the countermeasures that would be needed to defend against exploits to better protect and defend the companies and corporations that we all represent. I was absolutely sure that there would be many individuals around the world that would be reverse engineering the exploits for more devious purposes and it appears that we have just experienced the first, of what I believe, to be just the beginning attacks seen around the world.

Educate, Upgrade, Patch, or Else..

I had a debate with a fellow technologist at Dell EMC World this year about whether the cloud is more secure than any given data center not used by a cloud provider. The argument put forth was that cloud service providers often have better security controls in place, they can auto-patch systems, etc. All in …