Security Disaster Recovery Plan

In the last three virtualization and cloud security podcasts, Mike Foley, Sr Technical Marketing Architect for vSphere Security, mentioned security disaster recovery plans. There is a growing need for such plans. The 174th podcast covered this need, as well as the why and the how of putting such plans together. Unlike traditional disaster recovery, security disaster …

Cloud: The Great Disaggregated Everything

As I’ve thought about how to implement high-performance, very large-scale networks within a secure hybrid cloud, I have come to the conclusion that the cloud works best with disaggregated network functions. This is the goal of network function virtualization, or NFV, but the real problem is knowing what functions to virtualize and how to do …

Encryption Secrets

There is a growing movement to encrypt everything. I prefer encrypting specific data, not everything. However, modern CPU chipset features have sped up encryption so much that encrypting everything is a valid option. Encryption requires one to have access to the keys or the related encryption secrets. Those secrets need to be at the fingertips …

Security and Data Protection: Anti-Ransomware?

Nearly every time I turn around, a company is stating it can prevent ransomware! When I research it further, I see that it is not, in fact, prevention. Rather, it is recovery. These companies all make the same assumption: that ransomware can be detected long before it becomes a major problem. This is false reasoning. Ransomware is …

Security: Another Key Reason for Virtualization

Aside from the production benefits of virtualization, an added benefit is improving security posture, which is paramount to most IT organizations. For those that haven’t already determined that a virtualized infrastructure is a better solution than handing out laptops with a VPN connection, there are a number of eye-opening reasons to reconsider the security impact …

Container Security Podcast

There is a recent CVE (CVE-2016-9962) that directly affects container security. A patch was quickly forthcoming. This raised some interesting concerns. Specifically, how do you patch a container infrastructure? What needs to be patched? The “what” is easy; the “how” is more difficult. As we move to cloud-native applications, where we tear down apps rapidly …