Round One in Social Media and First Amendment Rights

I recently wrote an article about a potential class action court case being brought against the President of the United States by the Knight Foundation. In the article, I posited that public servants who use their private social media accounts to make work-related statements may run the risk of causing their accounts to become public …

Scaling Data Locality

In a recent Twitter discussion, we talked about data locality. What started the conversation was a comment that if you think about data locality, you think about a specific vendor (paraphrased). My response was that when I think about data locality, I really do not think about that vendor. This led to some other comments …

Do We Control Our Data?

Data management is a must as we move up the stack. Data management includes data locality, integrity, confidentiality, availability, and protection. In other words, the old concepts of data security, protection, and classification still apply. However, with the advent of virtualization, our data sources changed. As we moved into the cloud, they changed once more. …

There Will Not Be Just a Few Clouds!

When many think cloud, they think Amazon AWS. Some even think Microsoft Azure. However, there is a growing trend to want more out of a cloud than those clouds can deliver—well, deliver at a cost people can afford. I am not talking about “white glove” treatment, or any other approach that wins smaller clouds business, …

Twitter and the Right Not to Be Blocked

What follows in pure conjecture, and in no way constitutes legal opinion. It merely outlines one of many possible outcomes. An article in the New York Post on June 6 reported on a potential legal case aiming to force President Trump to unblock users he has blocked from seeing or tweeting to his timeline, either directly …