Cloud Enlarged

We are nearly halfway through 2017, and the conversation about hybrid cloud is over. The discussion about multicloud has started. But wait—isn’t multicloud really hybrid cloud? Well, not really: it depends on the definitions used. I have heard discussions about multicloud at Dell EMC World, Red Hat Summit, and VeeamON. This implies that there are some …

Active Directory Automation: The Next Step toward the Brave New World?

IT is changing. Cloud services, whether public, private, or hybrid, introduce a new focus for operations teams. We are no longer fixated on building and maintaining infrastructure—we need to concentrate on automating management, delivering services, and developing future iterations of our systems to make the enterprise more capable, more agile, and more profitable. Even the …

General Data Protection Regulation — Coming Soon

We are currently midway through an information and digitization revolution that could be possibly compared to the mechanical impact of the Industrial Revolution. Despite the many great advances it brought, the Industrial Revolution had harmful impacts on the environment and working conditions, among other areas. It took 150 years or more for the issues from the …

Software-Defined Storage for Containers Ignores Storage

Software-defined storage (SDS) within the container realm often ignores storage itself. In essence, the SDS platform assumes some chunk of storage is mapped to a container host. Then, it takes over from there. SDS for containers is the orchestration through which persistent storage is mapped to a container. This gives it a unique ability to …