Enterprises Operate Their IT; Hyperscalers Build Their IT

There is a lot of talk of having enterprises build and operate IT infrastructure the same way hyperscalers do. AWS, Google, and Microsoft can build and operate cloud platforms that are very cost effective. The logic is that enterprise businesses can use the same techniques to build and operate their own efficient data centers. I …

In the Hybrid Cloud, Your Role Matters, but…

The title of this article is “In the Hybrid Cloud, Your Role Matters, but…,” and there is a big “but” there. How you use your role is what really matters. Whether you are a cloud, virtualization, or container administrator, evangelist, or architect, how you use your role makes or breaks the secure hybrid cloud. We …

The Possibilities Could Be Endless: Virtual Assistant

The voice-activated personal virtual assistant has become a mainstream technology. You’ve probably used one, and you’ve certainly seen them used in advertising. Virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Lifehacker, just to name a few, are becoming more common as time goes on. They are probably in your home, and on your smartphone. They’re everywhere we go.

Scale and Engineering

When we scale things up to handle ever-larger quantities of data, we also scale up the number of issues related to the increasing pace. We’re dealing with this with fewer tools and, quite frankly, less knowledge We’ve seen changes in security (visit our latest podcasts on security and scale). We have seen changes in operations. We have …