Secure Agile Cloud Development: Metrics

Secure Agile Cloud Development takes Agile and DevOps to the next level. It is about code quality, based not just on what the developers test, but also on the application of continuous testing and on dynamic and static code analysis. Most importantly, it is about a repeatable and trackable process by which we can make …

Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Testing

I recently gave a Bright Talk session on adding security to the Agile Cloud/DevOps Development cycle. Part of this discussion addressed adding security testing as part of the process before, during, and even after continuous deployment. In other words, if we continually deploy, we must continually test. Our testing needs to be in the multi-minded …

Serverless: Business Plan or an Approach to Technology?

In a recent Twitter conversation, I asked if serverless is anything new, and if so, where are the documents expressing what is new about it. I was asked in reply if I needed a document to understand the difference between Uber and taxicabs. That got me wondering: is the serverless movement a business plan, or is …