Philosophies of Automation

Philosophical questions for automation; well, at least my humble opinion on the matter. In my opinion there are three main areas, or segments, that are established for automation in the modern day data centers. The first segment is provisioning, then second day operations and finally to complete the life-cycle management is the decommission process. Every data center is similar to each other, but yet what really makes things different is the choice of technologies that are used in the environment.

Tools of the 21st Century Data Centers

Tools of the 21st Century Data Centers. For this post, I wanted to continue with my thoughts on what helps make up 21st Century Data Centers. In my last post, I focused on the automation aspect of the modern day data center and since I brought it up, let me take another moment to express my main point from that post. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing which automation engine you will use in your environment. There are plenty of options available and you should make your decision based on which solution will make the most sense for your environment and the systems that are running on it. You should also take advantage of other automation tools or engines that may be provided as part of another solution. In my humble opinion, taking advantage of the native functionality that is vender provided is a gift that should be opened and taken advantage of.

Orchestration in the 21st Century Data Centers

Orchestration in the 21st Century Data Centers. Automation has evolved from its humble beginnings as a local basic scheduler to kick off scripts and tasks to enterprise level tool that is used in most if not all the different and unique silos that encompasses Corporate I.T. In this post, I am going to focus on some of the different kinds of automation engines that are is use. This post will not even begin to touch on all of the different products and solutions that are out there and I will definitely not even begin to say that there is any right way or tool but would like to go on record that, in my humble opinion, there is one main wrong answer with automation and that wrong answer would be to be completely dependent on any one solution or product itself.