Moving to Containers

In this ever-changing world of IT, the legacy of today was once the future of yesterday: namely, hypervisors. Hypervisors are now considered legacy, even though they are seriously underutilized due to issues with fear, uncertainty, and doubt around using these resources to their fullest. The new technology is containers. However, where are the operational tools to …

Yesterday Is Here to Stay

Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos are generating a lot of discussion as the future of application development. We are seeing significant progress towards having these methodologies adopted by enterprises for application development. We have even been hearing that VMware is the new legacy, since containerised applications don’t always need a hypervisor. These “modern application” methods are replacing …

In the Age of Cloud, You Still Need an Enterprise Architecture

I’ve been speaking a lot lately about the importance of IT governance, especially as it relates to driving cloud (public, private, hybrid) adoption in the enterprise. Although IT governance is critical to the success of having a flexible and agile enterprise, having an overarching enterprise architecture to show how all the components of the enterprise …

Not Because They Are Easy, but Because They Are Hard

In all of life, we try to avoid the difficult things and handle the easy things first. Sometimes, leaving the hard things is a good idea. We sometimes realize there is an easy way to deal with the hard problem, or someone else deals with it. Sometimes it’s a bad idea. Leaving a sore tooth …

You Need IT-Business Integration, Not Alignment

There are many times when I’m on consulting engagements when I ask CIOs, “How much of an understanding do you and your management have about how your company makes money, thereby having a staff that knows where the money comes from and where it goes?” One of the scariest responses that I have had to that …