Business Performance and Agility: Are We Measuring the Correct Metrics?

In the EUC world, it is euphemistically stated that the only performance metric that counts is user experience. What this means is that from a business and management perspective, it does not matter a single jot how much green is showing in your NOC view; if your users are not happy, you have a problem. …

Podcast with Adrian Cockcroft

I had the pleasure of recording a podcast recently with Battery Ventures Technology Fellow Adrian Cockcroft. Adrian is well known from his days at Netflix and can frequently be seen at major conferences presenting on DevOps, microservices, and cloud computing. Last month, both Adrian and I attended DockerCon in San Francisco. Our conversation started with …

IT Transformation: Top-Down Approach

We recently discussed the need for a plan when performing IT transformation. There are three approaches to choose from when planning. The first approach is a top-down approach. This approach educates C-level and upper management about IT transformation so that they can begin to plan and can understand the costs and benefits. In general, this …

RedHat Summit: All about Containers

I had the opportunity to attend Red Hat Summit and DevNation. Nearly every answer to any question at both these events was to “use containers” to solve that problem. While some responses were undoubtedly true, others were not quite as completely true. Yes, you can use containers to solve many problems, but what was often …