Is a Privatized Citrix in the Cards?

Elliott Management has a plan for Citrix. Shake out sales and marketing, sell GoTo and NetScaler, dump the dead wood, and shut down all blue-sky research. There has been no response yet from Citrix beyond a brief note to say “we’ll get back to you on that,” but you can bet that CEO Mark Templeton …

Explaining the Value of Containers to Your Boss

Containers are all the rage these days. Many large enterprises are experimenting with containers, and some have implemented them in some form or fashion. Most of the excitement and experimentation is a grassroots effort, and containers are being used within pockets of the enterprises. In many cases, management is aware of container technology but has …

Pets vs Cattle Is Not Reality

Yes, the title is a bit caustic, but I have been giving some serious thought about the attitude of pets vs cattle within a hybrid cloud environment, and every time, it boils down to the conclusion that we shoot cattle because the underlying infrastructure is just not robust enough to treat our cattle like a …

All the World Is an EMC Cloud

With the news that EMC has bought Virtustream (to be completed near the end of the year), the cloud landscape does not change very much in the short term; however, in the long term, the EMC family has its work cut out for it to integrate all its cloud solutions. The EMC family currently has …