Unicorns, Horses, ITIL, and Enterprise DevOps

“DevOps” is one of those buzzwords that means everything and nothing at the same time. It is like the words “cloud,” “architecture,” and “Internet of Things”—terms so vague they lead to endless debates between IT people. DevOps seems to take this verbal sparring to a new level. On top of arguing over what it means, people …

DevOps: Stop Talking and Start Doing

If you are like me, you are probably tired of the endless articles talking about DevOps. Each day, you are guaranteed to see an onslaught of articles on the following topics: What Is DevOps? DevOps Is a Culture Change DevOps Requires Empathy DevOps Unicorns, or All Unicorns Started Out as Horses Buy My DevOps Tools …

SecDevOps: What Security Can Do Today

On the June 24, 2014 Virtualization Security Podcast, we discussed SecDevOps with Andi Mann of CA Technologies. Andi pointed out fairly early that he does not like the term or the “DevOpsSec” term. Security needs to be considered at every step of the way, he stressed: neither before nor after Dev, but marching along with …

Docker: What Is It? Hint: It’s Not a Harbour Worker

There is a lot of buzz about a “new” technology called Docker. I say “new” in quotes, because most of us greybeards should remember a technology called “containers,” circa 2004, and the arguments about which was better: virtualization or containers. Well, it seems that the wheel has turned full circle, and we are back in …