The Value of DevOps in the Enterprise

We live in interesting times. If I were to chart the increase in the number of customers asking for help with DevOps, that chart would look like a hockey stick, that same kind of hockey stick our CFOs are always dreaming of. If I added another line on the chart for the percentage of those …

No, You Are Not a DevOps Engineer

Ask five IT people what the term DevOps means, and you will likely get five completely different answers. Go to any online job board, search DevOps, and look at the job descriptions, and you will see great disparity in the desired skillsets and responsibilities, as well as job titles. Go to LinkedIn and search for …

Agile Requires Architecture, Not Methodologies

Does this scenario sound familiar? A sprint team delivers another release on time and on budget. It boasts about how much its velocity has improved and how many story points it was able to cram into a two or four-week sprint. It shows its business partners a bunch of nice, pretty charts that illustrate how …

Application Security: What Is the First Step?

What is the first step of application security? What is this step regardless of whether the process involved is DevOps or traditional silos? We have heard many answers before, such as architecture, code analysis, hardening, risk analysis, etc. But we have not really talked about the intersection of the user, application, data, and system. Perhaps …