SDDC and the Ever Expanding Control Plane

The software defined data center has the potential to expand the control plane well outside of anyone’s control by the simple fact that we do not yet have a unified control mechanism for disparate hardware (networking, storage, and compute), for disparate hypervisors (vSphere, KVM, Xen, Hyper-V), new types of hypervisors (storage and networking), and new ideas at managing SDDC at scale.

The Next Evolution of Virtualization

The next evolution of virtualization is the Software Defined Data Center or SDDC and it is quickly becoming the next logical step in the continued evolution of cloud technology that will give you the ability to run legacy enterprise applications as well as the other cloud services. In my opinion you could also define Software Defined Data Center as a converged datacenter so to speak. My friend and colleague, Edward Haletky wrote a great post on SDDC and data protection, which raised this question. How the heck to we recover SDDC?

Public Cloud Reality: Do we Stay or Do We Go?

Soon the backup power will be available for our new datacenter and the redesign to make use of VMware vCloud Suite is nearing completion. Soon, our full private cloud will be ready for our existing workloads. These workloads however now run within a XenServer based public cloud.  So the question is, do we stay in …

Public Cloud Reality: Reinforced at CSA Summit

I have written about the Public Cloud Reality and the need to bring your own security, monitoring, support. This was reinforced by Dave Asprey of Trend Micro at the last Cloud Security Alliance Summit held at this years RSA Conference. The gist of Dave Asprey’s talk was that YOU are responsible for the security of your data, not the cloud service provider.

Browsium Catalyst Available Now – Time to Quell Corporate Browser Choice Feuds?

Browsium released Catalyst a browser management utility designed to make deploying multiple browsers in the enterprise a manageable reality. We see what substance there is in Catalyst’s ability to increase the rate of support and change in your browser deployment and how it could impact user experience and environment security .

Migrating Business Critical Applications to the Cloud

We at The Virtualization Practice, LLC have migratedg our business critical applications to the cloud. How simple was that task? It was not as easy as we have heard from others, and not as difficult as some have had, but it was not as simple as move my VM and run. Why is this? What are the methods available to move to the cloud? How do they stack up to what actually happens. Theory is all well and good, and I have read plenty of those architectures, but when the shoe leather hits the cloud where are we? Here is a short history, a comparison of methods, and some conclusions that can be drawn from our migration to the cloud.