Reduced Complexity: The Reality

The goal and driver of many tools is reduced complexity. There are many IT as a Service products that claim they reduce complexity—but is that what they really do? IT has gotten inherently complex, yet we are claiming to reduce complexity by adding in more layers, such as automation, platforms, containers, etc. Do these technologies …

I Have a dream, a journey into setting up a startup company today

“I have a dream” is what Martin Luther King Jr. said, and admittedly, his was at least an order of magnitude larger than the dreams of an average company founder. But all companies start with a dream. Dreams are great: in them, you can invariably be invincible, conquer every challenge. However, such dreams can quickly …

Keeping Up with the Joneses: A Cloud Story

Many companies go to the cloud to keep up with the Joneses or others. Some go to the cloud to keep up with their own needs. Others set impossible requirements that preclude the cloud. Yet others set goals that make creating on-site difficult. Many who go to the cloud, however, go without thought. There are …

Serverless: A Silent Revolution

If there is one trend that permeates all of industry, it is the drive to move forward. All processes evolve to become more efficient. New things are built on the old. Things get smaller, simpler, cheaper. IT is no exception. The technology industry has progressed from the room-sized computers of the 1950s (for which it is …

The SUN has finally set

The rumors of its demise have been touted since the day that the evil giant Oracle gobbled them up. Sun Microsystems, the once giant of closed source UNIX is finally deceased, of course there is no official announcement of death from the keepers of McNealy’s dream, but dead they are. Just looking at the vacant …