Hyperconverged Design: Limit CPU Consumption by Limiting Storage Performance

I am intrigued by the design decisions that are made as products are developed. I find it amazing how often problems are solved in completely different ways in different products. Sometimes these decisions show up when you are not expecting them. I encountered one such example at a vBrownBag TechTalk presentation at the OpenStack Summit in …

Advanced Simplicity Is All About User Interface

Recently I wrote about advanced simplicity. This is the idea that a great software product hides complexity from its users behind a simple interface. As an illustration, I’d like to discuss a piece of software that exposes lots of complexity, then examine how it would be easier to use if the user interface were different. As my example, …

Where to Persist Your Containers

When we were first introduced to Docker containers, we were told that they should be ephemeral and stateless. It turns out that there are lot of great uses for Docker containers that are either stateful or long-lived. The stateful part is leading to a bunch of startups that have storage products to deliver persistent storage to these …