CumuLogic Provides Database as a Service for On-Premises Cloud Foundry

Last week, CumuLogic launched a preview edition of its Database Service Broker for Cloud Foundry, a self-service managed SQL and NoSQL database service platform. Database Service Broker provides functionality equivalent to public Database as a Service (DBaaS) platforms such as Amazon Relational Database Service (for SQL) and Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL), but with the database hosted …

Docker Has Quietly Crossed the Chasm

Docker is one of those technologies that, without any great fuss and without anyone noticing, is now everywhere. My experience with Docker is fairly recent and fairly limited, but like many people, I had enough knowledge of it that when something complex came up in a project, I thought about Docker, went and investigated it, …

News: PaaSLane 2.0 — Letting Applications Take Advantage of the Cloud

PaaSLane from Cloud Technology Partners is a tool that greatly facilitates the process of migrating an application to the cloud by comparing its source code to known safe best practice. It claims a 25% enhancement in migration time. We suspect that in many cases this will easily be achieved, plus PaaSLane removes a lot of …