Container Use Cases

Containers are a hot topic these days. I have run a few workshops with clients, and one of the questions I get asked most frequently is “what are companies using containers for?” After answering this question a number of times, I thought I would share some common use cases with my readers.

Recap of CloudBees Jenkins User Conference

I was at the Santa Clara Convention Center, next to the beautiful brand-new San Francisco 49ers stadium, this week to listen to two days of discussions about continuous delivery and Jenkins. Keynote speakers were Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees, and Gene Kim, coauthor of The Phoenix Project and well-known speaker on …

Tracking the Hot Container Market

The container market is moving at the speed of light. Each vendor in this space is delivering features at an amazing pace. In fact, things are moving so fast that this article will likely be way outdated in about 2 months. It was just under two months ago when I reported on the many announcements …