Highlights and Guidance from VMware Fourth-Quarter Financial Results

The VMware fourth-quarter financial results were released at the beginning of March 2018. I’d like to share some of its highlights and offer some insight on what these results might indicate for the future. Let’s start out with the facts and figures from the conference call and throw in the future guidance that VMware has …

VMware’s Roadmap, Hybrid, Is the Future

It has been almost five years since VMware laid out its vision based on the ideology behind the software-defined data center (SDDC). This announcement came during one of the keynote addresses during the VMworld 2013 conference in San Francisco, California. Since that time, VMware has been working diligently to make its vision a reality while helping to shape the definition of what a twenty-first-century data center is and will be moving forward.

Monarch of the Cloud in 2017

What does the cloud vendor results tell us about 2017? According to the results from Cleveland Research, cloud vendors reported a banner year for 2017 that was an increase of 48% year over year. These overall results are on the high end of the 40% – 50% that was the expected targets and come in totaling $38.6 billion. The fourth quarter in 2017 had an accelerated growth to 50%, which is an overall increase of 4% in comparison to the prior quarter that came in with a 46% growth.

SolarWinds Acquires Loggly

In case you missed it, on January 8, 2018, SolarWinds, “a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software…announced it has completed the acquisition of Loggly, Inc., a provider of cloud-based log monitoring and log analytics software. With the transaction, the company also will add to its team of world-class software engineering talent.”