Whatever Happened to Mobile Virtualization?

Whatever happened to mobile virtualization? Just a couple years ago, there seemed to be a ton of hype about mobile virtualization. The goal was to be able to run multiple isolated virtual instances on a single physical device. I remember walking the expo floor during the VMworld conference that year and seeing all the demo …


Have you heard about the new movie that is out, called Tomorrowland? I can’t tell you anything about the movie, but when I saw a commercial for it on the television the other night, the title Tomorrowland got me thinking. It left me wondering about the direction technology is leading us in. What kind of …

It’s That Season Again!

It’s that season again! For those of you that might not know, I live in Florida and yes we do have seasons down here. We have Tourist Season, Lovebug Season and of course our best known Hurricane Season. With Hurricane Season starting on June 1st, most companies should have finished their pre-season disaster recovery test by now. Oh how things have changed from the days of flying off to the remote datacenter to have loads of fun restoring the test objectives from tape to prove we had the capabilities to restore the applications and our services slated for that specific test.

Look at All the Pretty Clouds!

Look at all the pretty clouds! Every day it seems like there are more and more clouds filling the sky and that trend does not appear that is going to change anytime soon. In fact the future, at least with Information Technology, seems like it is going to be entirely in some type of cloud or even multiclouds. To get a picture of where we are going let’s take a moment to look at where we have been.