Out with the Old and In with the New

Out with the old and in with the new, Happy New Year everyone. My final post of 2017 was a general overview of the AI World conference and for my first post of 2018 I wanted to dig a little deeper into the developments in AI technology as I believe that Artificial Intelligence will be something to keep an eye on as the technology continues to mature well into the next decade and beyond.

AI World 2017

AI World 2017: Have you heard about or did you get to attend the AI World Conference and Expo that was in Boston Massachusetts from December 11th – December 13th, 2017?  If you have not heard of AI World before then you might be wondering what the conference is all about.  An overview of the conference, taken from the brochure, states “AI World is the industry’s largest independent event focused on the state of the practice of enterprise AI and machine learning.

Recap of re:Invent

Recap of re:Invent: One of the last, if not the last technology conference for the year 2017 just recently came to a close.  The Amazon AWS re:Invent Technology Conference was held from November 27th – December 1st in Las Vegas, Nevada and I wanted to share some of my key points that I have gathered about the conference.

Another Side of the Net Neutrality Debate

My friend and colleague Tom Howarth published an article titled Net Neutrality Threatened as FCC Plans Internet Fast Lanes. In his post, Tom did a very good job articulating the pro–net neutrality arguments. I thought this would be a good opportunity to present the other side of the net neutrality argument, but in the midst of my research I found that my positions and views on this matter are moving in a different direction.