Unique Modern-Day Data Centers

When you hear the phrase “data center” in a conversation, what kind of image does that instill in your mind? Just for fun and reference, here is the definition from Wikipedia: “A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant …

Welcome to the Marketplace

Welcome to the marketplace! Have you noticed how much that term is getting used nowadays? Before the rise of the World Wide Web, the idea of a marketplace was usually that of a physical, brick-and-mortar location, but it could incorporate any open square or place where we as consumers would go to purchase goods and …

Microsoft Continues to Take Great Strides Forward

Microsoft continues to take great strides forward with its cloud strategy, to the point where success has it charging forth at almost record pace. One thing I have learned, in my years working in IT, is that when Microsoft sets its mind on doing something, it is a pretty safe bet that it will succeed …

The Cloud Is a Journey, Not a Project

Since around the turn of the century, I have had a motto that goes like this: “Virtualization is a journey, not a project.” It seems now would be a good time to bring that slogan up to date, changing the message to “The cloud is a journey, not a project.” It really amazes me when …