But What about Google?

But what about Google?  There has been a lot of buzz this year about Amazon, Microsoft, Citrix, IBM and VMware, but what about Google? In my humble opinion, in all practical purposes, Google just seemed to me, to be lacking a clear direction and/or focus when it came to the way Google pursued its business customers.   Google has no problems taking care of any and all technical aspects of the business, but was missing one of the most important pieces and that piece is a strong vibrant sales force.

Customization Is What You Want

My friend and colleague, Alastair Cooke, recently published a post entitled Advanced Simplification: You Want It. In this post Alastair lays out his case that simplification is something that would tend to be something that “deep geeks tend to scoff at” while yet at the same time embracing the wizards and silent install scripts that become available to help deploy and or manage an application and/or platform into our environments.

This Might Happen to vCloud Air

My esteemed colleague and friend, Tom Howarth, published a post titled, “AWS AND VMWARE NOW FRIENDS, BUT WHAT HAPPENS TO VCLOUD AIR” and I would like to take the opportunity to present an alternate possibility and viewpoint as to what might happen to vCloud Air. I would like to start with a paragraph from Tom’s post and work my way from there.

VMware Takes Big Steps into its Cross-Cloud Vision

VMware takes big steps into its Cross-Cloud vision. My esteemed colleague at TVP Strategy, Jo Harder, released a post on the rumors about an upcoming VMware and Amazon Web Services press conference announcement. I can report that Jo was right on the money with her assessment and that came from the official announcement that was made, although VMware mistakenly posted its announcement a wee bit early. What I would like to do is build off of Jo’s post and move the conversation in a little bit of a different direction.

Disaster Recovery: Are You Prepared for the Storm?

Has anyone else taken notice of that little storm brewing in the Caribbean?  At every update the path of the little storm keeps drifting west almost as if the storm really wants to go to Disney World. All kidding aside, Hurricane Matthew is, at the time of this writing, a category 4 hurricane based on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale with the maximum sustained winds of one hundred forty-five mile an hour winds.  The storm is currently heading over Haiti and moving towards the Bahamas while leaving a death and a lot of destruction in its wake.