Anti-Privacy Legislation Impacts

The latest Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcast featured a conversation about the recent Congressional repeal of FCC regulations governing privacy. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) could collect, mine, and sell your search and browser history without your knowledge. This bill has not been signed into law yet. Some would see it as opening the doors on competitiveness with …

In the Hybrid Cloud, Your Role Matters, but…

The title of this article is “In the Hybrid Cloud, Your Role Matters, but…,” and there is a big “but” there. How you use your role is what really matters. Whether you are a cloud, virtualization, or container administrator, evangelist, or architect, how you use your role makes or breaks the secure hybrid cloud. We …

Ransomware Makes for a Bad Night

I was reading a Reddit request for help regarding ransomware. The title was “Got hit BAD tonight.” That title describes the catastrophe simply and to the point. The ransomware in question attacked the hypervisor. Then, it  proceeded to encrypt all backups and other systems connected to the hypervisor. This is the exact issue that virtualization …

Finding your Sensitive Data to Protect

A bane of having data is the need to know: the need to know where all your sensitive data resides, what that data is, who has accessed it, and how it was accessed. Managing the who, what, where, why, and how of data is a struggle that’s as old as time. Scale changes this struggle. …