It Slices, It Dices: It Is Analytics

RSA Conference 2016 is now done. There were about 40,000 attendees, 500+ vendors, and countless hallway conversations. Key to this year’s conference was analytics. You could not walk the show floor without hearing someone extolling the virtues of one analytics product or another. Analytics was big. Of course, that was not all there was on the show …

Oracle Buys Hybrid Cloud

Oracle has entered into an agreement to purchase Ravello Systems, which will be part of Oracle Cloud’s IaaS mission. This is an interesting purchase in many ways, one that boosts Oracle’s IaaS environment. However, Ravello Systems offers a bridge between multiple clouds, and that does not jive with Oracle’s historical approach to business. This opens up …

Secure Hybrid Cloud Revisited

After months of feedback and just in time for RSA 2016, I have finally finished the second version of my Secure Hybrid Cloud Reference Architecture. There are some  differences between the previous version and V2, but nothing major, as we are talking mostly about semantic changes. However, we did expand storage, add in SaaS-based clouds, and …

On Encryption

Amazon has made many changes lately to provide encryption for its Relational Database Service (RDS), adding the ability to encrypt existing RDS instances and shared data between partners. Database encryption, specifically for sharing, is very important, as is encryption at rest, which Amazon and other cloud service providers also provide. If you wish to control …

Copy Data vs. Data Protection

Copy data software is becoming much more prevalent and could be a replacement for many data protection products. But is it? Do copy data solutions provide data protection or just movement of data around the cloud? That is really the crux of the discussion. Is having multiple copies of data out in the cloud sufficient …