Root Cause Analysis as We Move Up the Stack

Containers and other technologies are moving administrators, developers, and even operational folks up the stack. In other words, we have abstracted out the hardware and abstracted out the operating system; next, we will abstract out middleware and eventually everything but the code to run. However, when we do that, we no longer train people to …

Part III: Do Containers Change Enterprise IT?

In Part I of this series on Do Containers Change Enterprise IT, we discussed the impact of containers on security. In Part II, we discussed the impact on data protection. Now, let us discuss the impact on performance and other IT management tools. The introduction of containers to enterprise IT tends to raise more questions …

Part II: Do Containers Change Enterprise IT?

In Part I of this series on Do Containers Change Enterprise IT, we discussed the impact of containers on security. This time, we will discuss the impact on data protection, which encompasses backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity. Since the applications are changing with the use of containers to be highly distributed and deployed through …

Do Containers Change Enterprise IT?

It matters not what conference you attend: the discussion in IT is all about containers and automation. The real question is, “Do containers change enterprise IT?” Some folks say they do in major ways, others are on the fence, and still others are having nothing to do with them. Let us look at all aspects …

Veeam: Center of Data Protection

Veaam is forging a series of interesting agreements with competitors as well as infrastructure players. It has also added into its core product features considered to be more legacy than future, such as tape support. In essence, it is becoming the center of the data protection space within any organization. Veeam Availability Suite augments existing …

Analytics as Code

We all need performance and capacity management tools to fine tune our virtual and cloud environments, but we need them to do more than just tell us there may be problems. Instead, we need them to find root causes for problems, whether those problems are related to code, infrastructure, or security. The new brand of …