Should We Care If the Handheld Is Secure?

Android devices recently suffered a spate of attacks. Similar attacks have been made against Apple devices and nearly every other brand of smart device. Does this mean that this is the end of Android or of mobile devices? Or does this mark the rise of mobile device management (MDM) and other software specifically designed to …

IT Transformation: SME

There are many reasons to use cloud resources, and there are many reasons to enter the cloud, of which we have spoken about fairly regularly as part of our IT Transformation series. The real question is: “When should you use cloud services?” Or, more to the point, “When should you use new cloud services in …

The Substrates of IT

As technologists and analysts for the virtualization and cloud spaces, we are always talking about various places within the IT stack. Actually, as we talked about within the article Technical Arc of Virtualization, we have noticed that many people are moving up the IT stack, forming new and more interesting substrates of IT. These substrates …