Hardware Is Dead, Long Live Hardware

There is a growing movement to abstract hardware completely away, as we have discussed previously. Docker with SocketPlane and other application virtualization technologies are abstracting hardware away from the developer. Or are they? The hardware is not an issue, that is, until it becomes one. Virtualization may require specific versions of hardware, but these are …

Are Enterprises Changing Directions?

No, this is not an article about changing jobs or anything like that. This is an article about the changing directions we have been seeing within the community and companies surrounding cloud and virtualization: a change that signals a new round of innovation and a fundamental shift in thinking. Before, we thought of cloud + …

Back to Basics II: Secure Hybrid Cloud

I have written many times about hybrid cloud security, but there’s a fundamental security requirement that happens as you access the hybrid cloud. In our previous back to basics article we wrote about the need for situational awareness. We’re going to expand on that topic some more. The real success to hybrid cloud security is …

Which Cloud Does Not Matter

Our recent poll results are in and have been tabulated. Following a discussion with Andi Mann (@AndiMann), we agreed the results were surprising: which cloud does not matter. At the same time, some of the responses confirmed a few thoughts that we have espoused for years. We posed one question to the readers of our …