Application Security: What Is the First Step?

What is the first step of application security? What is this step regardless of whether the process involved is DevOps or traditional silos? We have heard many answers before, such as architecture, code analysis, hardening, risk analysis, etc. But we have not really talked about the intersection of the user, application, data, and system. Perhaps …

Adallom: Visibility into Your SaaS Provider Instance

Tal Klein of Adallom joined us on the January 16 Virtualization Security Podcast to discuss Adallom’s approach to logging, auditing, and generally gaining visibility within most SaaS applications. Adallom solves two longstanding problems: how can we as tenants obtain appropriate tenant-only logs of actions within a SaaS application, and how do we determine abnormal behavior …

Privacy and the IoT

Privacy is defined many different ways, but however you define it, when it comes to how corporations use data your privacy becomes very important. What companies do with your data may at times seem like an invasion of your privacy, but in these cases, privacy has well-defined limitations in the eyes of the law. Will …

The Security of Converged Infrastructures

On the January 2, 2014, the Virtualization Security Podcast was joined on the spur of the moment by @Josh_Atwell, who works for VCE, to discuss the security of converged infrastructures. This was of particular interest to me due to my current research on the security of a VCE Vblock. The research got me thinking about …

Scope: It Is All about Scope

When to implement security and data protection practices, or even change existing ones, is all about timing, knowledge, and scope. Deciding what to implement at any particular time requires knowledge of what needs to be fixed, and also of what the future could hold. To do this properly, you need to pay close attention to …

Utopian Disaster Recovery

Recently at Dell World, I was part of a conversation about what would be utopian disaster recovery and where we are today in the state of the industry. But where we are today is transforming, with a new name that encompasses many technologies. We are now using the term “data protection” (DP) to mean much …