Beyond Virtualization: Security within the Guest

The October 12, 2017 virtualization and cloud security podcast moved up the stack. In it, we discussed security within the guest operating system. This approach to security applies to clouds, virtualization, and physical systems. Unlike Software as a Service (SaaS), all other forms of infrastructure or platform involve an operating system you can control. That is …

Keeping Up with the Joneses: A Cloud Story

Many companies go to the cloud to keep up with the Joneses or others. Some go to the cloud to keep up with their own needs. Others set impossible requirements that preclude the cloud. Yet others set goals that make creating on-site difficult. Many who go to the cloud, however, go without thought. There are …

Data Protection Coverage: Anti-Ransomware

Since ransomware is a crucial topic, phase 3 of our Data Protection Coverage report delves into anti-ransomware technologies. The disaster recovery and business continuity software used within an enterprise is in a unique position, one that allows easy detection of ransomware. There are several approaches to detection, and often more than one approach needs to be …

Virtualization and Cloud Security: Back to Basics

Every time I talk virtualization and cloud security, I am surprised by the number of people who do not follow the basics. The basics have been around since 2004. The funny thing is, I also see the basics misquoted all the time. People try to interject their language into something already simple, yet by doing …

Where, When, How to Gain Knowledge

In my last few articles, we have gone through some of the economics of IT: specifically, around the changes taking place in IT. My last article focused on the need to gain new knowledge in order to transform your career while IT is changing around you. That raises the question of how to gain the …