Virtualizing Business Critical Applications – Security and Compliance

Virtualizing Business Critical Applications is often stopped either by the sudden involvement of security and compliance, a need to better understand, or a need to gain visibility into the underlying security of the virtual environment in order to build new security and compliance models.

Change: Moving to the Cloud

The Virtualization Practice will be moving from our internal virtual environment and cloud configuration to an external hosted cloud configuration, at least temporarily. However, what we have found is that not all clouds are alike (we all knew that), and that some of our processes were not cloud friendly but what does it mean for moving to the cloud? How does this impact our ability to migrate our data, applications, and management into the cloud?

Moving to the Cloud: When Does It Make Sense?

On 12/18, I had an interesting twitter conversation with Mark Thiele (@mthiele10) about moving to the cloud based on cost. There is a cost perspective to consider as cloud services can be very expensive. When does it make sense to go to the cloud, I think there are two scenarios to consider when talking about going to the cloud. While we were hampered by 140 characters, I think the message is clear.

End User Computing: Using just a Tablet

Recently I have been trying to lighten my conference going load. To do that, I have been thinking about ways to do without my laptop and all the accessories for it, which got me thinking about what it takes to completely use such a device; to fully embrace the next generation of end-user computing using gesture computing and smaller devices. Other than the technical hurdles, there are also training hurdles as full tablet computing, today, has some serious limitations with respect to security, functionality, and in some ways capability. So how does one embrace tablet computing as their next-gen end user computing?