Automation: Security’s Secret Weapon

In the two most recent Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcasts, we concentrated primarily on three subjects: WannaCry and its impact, multicloud security, and the role of security in the future of the data center and multicloud. We listed perfect examples of how security can reach out and grow its impact on an ever-changing organization by …

Is Twitter Dead for Technologists?

As a technologist, I am always looking for a way to communicate with like-minded individuals. In many ways, I used to do that through Twitter. However, is Twitter becoming nothing more than a glorified RSS feed? I still see lots of sharing occurring on Twitter, but I do not see much in the way of …

Cry Me a River: Cloud-Native Security

WannaCry, SambaCry, and other attacks have pinpointed the need to not just protect from unwarranted access, but to define unwarranted better. It is not just about ports and firewalls, but also about applications, APIs, and processes. In other words, services. Many of these services need to communicate about the ports that need to be blocked …

Software-Defined Storage Research Released

We have finally released our Software-Defined Storage (SDS) Coverage Report. The first of the SDS reports covers ioFABRIC, Hedvig, and DataCore products. The coverage graphs show these vendors’ product suites along multiple axes. While we do not draw any specific conclusions, if you want that, please contact us. We do draw some general conclusions. One …

Cloud Enlarged

We are nearly halfway through 2017, and the conversation about hybrid cloud is over. The discussion about multicloud has started. But wait—isn’t multicloud really hybrid cloud? Well, not really: it depends on the definitions used. I have heard discussions about multicloud at Dell EMC World, Red Hat Summit, and VeeamON. This implies that there are some …